Problématiques Art et Pouvoir

Voici quelques exemples de problématiques à étudier en 1ère et terminale en anglais pour l’axe culturel Art et Pouvoir.

Art and Power

The Power of art

What is the relationship between art and power ?
The nature of power and its links with art

Why art has the power to change the world ?

The power and impact of books, paintings and music

The influence of art on our society nowadays

Art makes the invisible visible, discuss

Can art make a difference in a dictatorship ?

Ways in which art has changed our society.

Why is art important in our society ?

The influence of art on Black politics in the US

Discuss the soft power of art

Can art subvert power ?

The role of art in the Civil Rights Movement

Different means of protests in art

The empowerment of citizens/women/youngsters in our society thanks to art

Pour la méthode pour l’examen d’expression orale au bac, c’est sur ce lien.