Voici quelques exemples de problématiques de l’axe culturel Fictions et réalités à étudier pendant l’année de 1ère et terminale en anglais.
Fictions and Realities
The role/importance of myths, legends and beliefs in our society / nowadays
Learning from myths, legends and beliefs / Lessons taught by myths, legends and beliefs
The values brought to us by myths, legends and beliefs
The interpretation of myths, legends and beliefs in Hollywood movies
The impacts of myths, legends and beliefs on our lives
The history of the American Dream
The image of myths, legends and beliefs in the media
Ordinary persons becoming heroes : how, why, the consequences
The self-made men, fiction or reality ?
myths, legends and beliefs and their values
The rise and fall of myths, legends and beliefs
The role of media in creating myths, legends and beliefs
The ways we can use to create myths, legends and beliefs
The origin of myths, legends and beliefs to make the world a better place
The globalization/standardization of myths, legends and beliefs
Myths, legends and beliefs in the American identity
The Space Frontier : myth or reality
The Pilgrims Fathers : myths, legends and beliefs
The Founding myths and their purpose : The Bill of Rights / US constitution, The Frontier (US), the Arthurian legends (GB)
The American Dream : Myth or Reality
The American Dream : the end of a myth
Barak Obama and the Black American Dream
The link between Myths and legends and culture
The role of myths and legends in building a nation
The relationship between myths and cultural values
The need for myths in contemporary society
The belief in myths : origin, impacts, purposes
The American founding myth of the Frontier
The building of America and the Frontier myth
The Manifest Destiny myth and American identity
The Manifest Destiny myth nowadays
The Frontier myth nowadays
The Manifest Destiny myth’s ideological origins
The rags-to-riches myth
Myths, legends and beliefs as a mean of social cohesion
The link between westward expansion and the myths
The Gold rush : a time of legends
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