Writing / Expression écrite au bac d’anglais

Scared of essays ? No worries. You are in the right spot to find all the info you need.

To start with, a brief video to remind you of the most common mistakes in the baccalauréat.

To check if you won’t make these mistakes, here is a little online exercise.

The most common exercise given is the essays. Here is a quick video about the method. You can also have a look at the page dedicated to « Argumentative essays« 

and a PDF document to remind you of some basic rules :

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Need help with vocabulary :

[bsk-pdf-manager-pdf id= »21″]

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[bsk-pdf-manager-pdf id= »23″]

Assessment grid for writing

Now, just pick the type of work you’d like to study :

Argumentative Essays

Narrative Essays

Letters / Emails


Diary Entries

Or check the Games section for some fun activities related to writing.

Some links about writing here